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Let's read together!

I’ve always been a huge reader, but as I’ve gotten older I stopped making as much time for it. It became easier to just watch Netflix or scroll, and I stopped feeding that part of myself. I’m now making the conscious effort to reincorporate reading back into my life. I like all kinds of books; comedy, historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, poetry, and essays are some of my favorites My current challenge to myself is to read every day. So far, I’ve read Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore and The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green. I feel like reading is a good way to nurture my inner child and take care of myself, and I hope I can inspire others to do the same! I'd love to chat about book recommendations, what we're reading right now, or building better reading habits. Session Details: I'm currently available for for texting as a 1:1 session for a week at a time. If you need more than a week, just increase the quantity.


  • How would you like to talk? Texting
  • How long is the conversation?1 week
  • What kind of conversation is it? 1-on-1

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